AspDotNetStorefront preFix for AspDotNetStorefront

Always Up-to-Date Add-ons

Tired of upgrading your plugins? Would you like to always have the latest and greatest installed? Signup for our "Always Up-to-Date Add-ons" and be worry-free!
Price: $500.00 

Blog for AspDotNetStorefront

Add a fully-functional blog to your ecommerce site! Our blog add-on integrates perfectly with your existing shopping cart system and includes all the features you need. Enhance SEO and promote repeat business with an ecommerce blog!
Price: $500.00 

Canonical Tags for AspDotNetStorefront

Resolve your duplicate content issues with paged and multi-referenced content in AspDotNetStorefront.
Price: $300.00 

Dealer/Distributor Locator with Google Maps for AspDotNetStorefront

Allow your customers to easily find your dealers with this Google powered locator.
Price: $550.00 

Facebook Pixel tracking for AspDotNetStorefront

The Facebook pixel is an analytics tool that helps you measure the effectiveness of your advertising. You can use the Facebook pixel to understand the actions people are taking on your website and reach audiences you care about.
Price: $300.00 

GA4 Google Analytics Scripts upgrade for AspDotNetStorefront

Upgrade your cart's current Google Analytics tag (analytics.js) to the Google tag (gtag.js).
Price: $995.00 

jQuery Banner Rotator for AspDotNetStorefront

Flexible content and easy customization make our Banner Rotator a great addition to any page in your shopping cart. Include images, text, graphics, video and more to engage customers and increase sales conversion.
The v10 is fully RESPONSIVE!
Price: $449.00 

Product Compare for AspDotNetStorefront

Do you want to give your customers the ability to compare products side by side? This is the add-on for you.
Price: $645.00 

Product Cross Selling Browser for AspDotNetStorefront

Use this module to upsell additional items related to the product being viewed.
Price: $400.00 

Product Quick View For AspDotNetStoreFront

Enable your shoppers with the ability to quickly preview and add to cart products from any entity page (Category, Manufacturer, Department).
Price: $415.00 

Promotional Sale Countdown Timer for AspDotNetStorefront

Attract more attention to special sales and limited-time discounts with a flexible and eye catching timer built right into your ecommerce site.
Price: $400.00 

Social Share Bar for AspDotNetStorefront

Include social Share buttons from top social sites on your site.
Price: $300.00