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iSearch - Attribute Filters for AspDotNetStorefront

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iSearch adds customizable filters to refine search results and quickly find the right product. Built with the speed of AJAX technology, product pages are updated almost instantly. iSearch is a must for ecommerce sites with multiple product categories. Plus, iSearch now works with responsive design.
No Source Code needed!
iSearch - Attribute Filters for AspDotNetStorefront - Modification installed - iSearch3
Price: $950.00 
iSearch - Attribute Filters for AspDotNetStorefront - Additional domain service
Price: $550.00 
   What version do I need?

Enabling Genres in Admin for managing and mapping : Have use enable the Genres Entity/Product Group in your Admin suite. This will also enable the mapping of products to Genres. : $250.00
*Although iSearch is designed to work both with and without our powerful cSearch add-on, we recommend using them together to offer the best possible search functionality for your users.
Want the works? Get the complete search package with our Search Bundle. Deliver customers directly to the products they need with customizable search filters
iSearch adds additional and customizable filters to your ecommerce search results. Customers can refine results by color, style, size, season or any other product category you’d like. By displaying only the most relevant results customers are more likely to find just what they need and make a purchase.

Built with super-fast AJAX technology, iSearch displays updated results almost instantly and works with all of the information in your product database to filter search results based on any data you choose. For maximum design transparency, the filter selection interface can be completely customized with CSS to match the style of your search results pages.

Our iSearch add-on includes:
  • customer-centric searching
  • fast AJAX technology
  • granular administrator controls
  • fast filtering of all your products
  • faster searching means higher sales conversions
  • setup unlimited number of filters
  • made to handle thousands of products
  • automatically converts your existing Colors, Sizes, Categories, Manufacturers, Sections into filters
  • usability features like Paging, Page Size, and Sorting
  • applicable product counts per filter
  • Responsive layout included, iSearch now works with responsive designs!
See iSearch in action: - stock v10 install - Modifications : styling/features - Modifications : layout update - Modifications : styling
Frequently Asked Questions
Question:When is the release date and specs of the iSearch2 module you suggested to Tony? Is it active on any sites to demo? - Joey (09/03/2013)
Response:Our iSearch2 is a custom install only for now, but it's available... examples of iSearch2 is and
Question:Also, is it possible to change the way the search appears on the page? - Tony (02/11/2013)
Response:Yes, the iSearch is rendered via XmlPackages so you can use your knowledge of editing XmlPackage to change the output of iSearch too! It also has full CSS support for styling etc.
Question:what is the approximate number of products that iSearch can handle. - Tony (02/11/2013)
Response:iSearch is optimized to work on large datasets, including high product counts and entity counts. Although performance is also dependent on the hardware and resources of your server, iSearch is rated at up to 10,000 products on a category/entity and max of 5000 entities. If you need support for more products and entities, we suggest iSearch2.
Question:As far as adding filters is concerned, what is the maximum number of filters recommended? How many is too many before it starts to affect the search process? - Tony (02/13/2013)
Response:AspDotNetStorefront recommends not exceeding 1000 entities/Genres, so we generally use this rule too. But, since iSearch is optimized and a lot depends on server hardware, you might be able to exceed this limit.